We raised the effects of truncated communication in our April 29th post The language of though: how will it evolve?
Here's some encouraging and some not so good news.
Let's start with the good. Findings from a study of Tweens 10-12 years old in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology (Vol. 27, Number 1) seem to suggest that texting aids literacy rather than damaging it. The results indicated that the increased exposure to print, in any form, led to greater literacy with those using most text'isms being more literate.
Now the not so good news.
The rise in texting might be causing a shift in the way adolescents develop. According to Sherry Turkle at the Initiative on Technology and Self at MIT "Among the jobs of adolescence are to separate from your parents, and to find the peace and quiet to become the person you decide you want to be. Texting hits directly at both those jobs.”
American teenagers sent and received an average of 2,272 text messages per month in Q4 2008, according to the Nielsen Company — almost 80 messages a day, more than double the average of a year earlier.
Michael Hausauer, a psychotherapist in Oakland, Calif., said teenagers had a “terrific interest in knowing what’s going on in the lives of their peers, coupled with a terrific anxiety about being out of the loop.” For that reason, he said, the rapid rise in texting has potential for great benefit and great harm. Read the full NYT here: Texting may be taking its Toll
Although the developments are too recent to have conclusive data on health effects, we'll certainly be watching this space with interest.
This is fascinating!
Shawna's Study Abroad
Seems to be continuing with a moral panic that really is not substantiated in reality.
The same was said of the telephone/landline. Have a look at Marvin, C. (1988). When old technologies were new. Thinking about electric communication in the late nineteenth century New York: Oxford University Press.
I dont see a generation od ocially inept young people any more likely than previous generations were ruined by tv, telephones or computers.
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